Key D - Yirdakis - Didjeridus


Yirdaki Reference : 6595 D-201803-5

new button
Horn: G
Length: 148 cm
Mouthpiece Diameter:

40 mm X 40 mm natural
32 mm approx. waxed

Bell Diameter: 13.0 cm
Weight: 3.5 kg
Timber Type: Woolly Butt (Eucalyptus Miniota)

This Yirdaki has a beautiful, unique bell tapered to a nice sited mouthpiece.

Playing Ability:

Great rich bassy drone with firm back-pressure.

Price: $6,000 AUD

optional leather carry case

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Yirdaki Reference : Barala - Sand Bank

D - C#
Horn: F#
Length: 147.5cm
Mouthpiece Diameter:

50 mm X 55 mm natural

30 mm waxed

Bell Diameter: 11.5 cm x 12.5 cm
Weight: 4.8 kg
Timber Type: Woolly Butt (Eucalyptus Miniota)

This stunning Yirdaki is sleek and tall.

The colours express many layers like a handful of sand.

Every time you look at this Yirdaki it takes you on a visual journey to another time.

Playing Ability:

This Yirdaki made me skip a heartbeat when I first played it.

The depth and range of resonance is multii- layered with intensity.

Responsiveness does not describe the feeling when playing this takes you and your playing to another level.

The backpressure is firm and tight allowing for a magical journey to occur!

Price: SOLD



Yirdaki Reference: Rrepa - Red Cloud

D # - E Flat
Horn: G#
Length: 136cm
Mouthpiece Diameter:

50 mm X 55 mm natural

30 mm x 32 mm waxed

Bell Diameter: 12.5 cm x 12.5 cm
Weight: 5 kg
Timber Type: Woolly Butt (Eucalyptus Miniota)

This Yirdaki holds a presence all of it's own. The physical attributes are gnarly entwined with beauty.

The picture really does not do it justice, visually it is stunning!

The natural colours invoke the feelings of floating through a red cloud.

Playing Ability:

Fantastic, through it's deep tonal range and due to it's large bell it produces a booming sound that commands attention.

It has a sound that is earthy and rich, combined with firm backpressure make it an ease and a joy to play!

Price: SOLD


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